Milkweed is a natural expectorant
Calotropis procera, commonly called milkweed, is recognised as a wonder herb in the Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicine. This medicinal herb grows in waste lands and is often neglected as a useless weed. But Indian systems of medicine regard Calotropis procera, also known as swallow-wort, as the herb that heals a
Curd curbs bad cholesterol
One bowl of yogurt (dahi, curd) is undoubtedly a favourite across the length and breadth of the country. In fact, it is increasingly popular in the Western world as well — coming as it does in a range of interesting flavours.
A baffling virus
Cancer of the uterine cervix is the second most common cancer in women world wide, with 493,000 women newly diagnosed each year, and nearly 273,000 deaths from this disease alone.
Get frizz free
Remember that scene from the hit sitcom Friends, where Monica Geller’s hair plays spoilsport when they’re on a vacation in the Caribbean?
Transform with TranceForm yoga
From time immemorial, yoga has been used to cure a variety of illnesses and maintain a balanced, holistic state of health and well-being.
Now, by using techniques and routines from the ancient art of yoga and combining them with soul-stirring trance music, Dinesh Dagar’s yoga has come up with ‘Yoga TranceForm’ that takes the body into a state of meditative trance, where the outer body connects with the inner pranic body.
Wonders of the four o’clock plant
Mirabilis jalapa or clavillia is a broad spectrum herbal plant, whose medicinal properties range from fighting fungi to bacteria.
Potatoes are a substitute to milk
Almost everyone loves potatoes, but many deprive themselves of the pleasure of indulging in this knobbly tuber as they think it will make them fat. This is just a misconception.
Don’t overlook your feet
Did you know that the average person walks the equivalent of three times around the Earth in a lifetime? So just imagine how much wear and tear you put your poor feet through.
Excessive friction can lead to pain
Q I am a 24-year-old man and my penis is deviated — it tilts towards the left. As I have not had sexual intercourse yet, I am not sure if this will be a problem. Will it hurt me when I have sex?
Mothers have unique effect on child's brain
She holds a special place in your heart. Now two new studies suggest that your mother also has a unique effect on your brain.