New drug could reduce heart failure risk by 25%
A new drug that can lower the chance of a heart failure by 25 per cent could bring substantial changes to standard treatment, according to a new research.
Incoming stimuli behind neuronal diversity
A new study has revealed that it’s not the size or shape that but the way neuron responds to incoming stimuli that sets one neuron apart from another.
Doctors being equipped with skills to reduce mortality rate
To reduce infant and maternal mortality rates, the government is equipping doctors across the country with multiple skills to deal with emergency services.
Mothers have unique effect on child's brain
She holds a special place in your heart. Now two new studies suggest that your mother also has a unique effect on your brain.
Smoked cannabis relieves chronic pain
Smoked cannabis provides relief to patients suffering from chronic pain, improves mood and helps sleep, according to a new research.
Drink, obesity behind steep rise in liver deaths
Binge drinking and obesity are contributing to a steep rise in deaths from liver disease.
Reports of problems with blood-thinner wrong: study
A set of new findings have proven wrong the earlier reports that people with a certain genetic make-up don’t benefit from the blood-thinner clopidogrel, also known as Plavix.
New Parkinson’s gene linked to immune system
Scientists have found a new genetic link associated with Parkinson’s disease that implicates the immune system and offers new targets for drug development.
Men just get less than 3 hrs of orgasm in their lifetime
A man gets just an average of less than three hours of orgasm throughout his lifetime, according to China Press.
A better muscle tone helps sex life
A man who was bored with his sex life consulted his doctor seeking the medic’s help on how to make things more interesting in the bedroom. The doctor advised him to try a self-help book. The man followed his doctor’s advice and read a book on how to get innovative with sex positions to enhance his sex life.