Is your food giving you a headache?
The link between migraine and stress is well established. If you strive for perfection in everything you do, you subject your body to needless stress. Meditation, deep breathing exercises (pranayam) and exercising are good ways to de-stress. In fact, even walking briskly for half an hour could make a difference.
Healthy lifestyle battles diabetes
With our hectic, erratic urban lifestyles and genetic predispositions, it is no surprise to know that India is the diabetes capital of the world housing 50.8 million people with diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), which tracks the global spread of this scourge, predicts the number to go up to a whopping 87 million — 8.4 per
Some myths about masturbation busted
The act of masturbation is probably the one sexual experience that is surrounded by several myths.
Sleepy head?
Sleep is one of the most essential and relaxing ways for the body to recuperate.
Cirrhosis can affect sex life
Q I have liver cirrhosis and have been hospitalised twice. My body was completely swollen at the time but after treatment, I recovered. In fact, my sex life was also getting better and I could get an erection. However, after the second time I was hospitalised, my sex drive has decreased. I can’t even get an erection. I am 65 years old and want to know if there is a solution for my problem. I also have high blood sugar.
Excess tummy fat? Watch out!
The Imperial College, London and the University of Leeds reviewed seven research publications, all of which showed excess tummy fat or a potbelly to be predictors of bowel cancer. Researchers from these universities have claimed that for every inch of waist size that is above a healthy waist measurement, the likelihood of bowel cancer can rise by up to three per cent.
Say olé to olive oil
We have so many oils in our country, then why do we need to pay special attention to olive oil? We have done without it for so many years. True enough, but research has now documented that a diet consisting of a good amount of monounsaturated fats has huge health benefits and olive oil contains these in large amounts.
Desperate search for spinal cord injury cure
Imagine the plight of a young person, the sole bread-earner in the family, getting paralysed below the neck as a result of a road traffic accident, with no movement or sensation in all four limbs and no control over his bowel and bladder. This poses a big physical, psychological and economic challenge not only for the individual but also for the whole family.
It is a fantastic world indeed
Often, men fantasise about various sexual scenarios while making love to their wives. In fact, sexual fantasies constitute a normal, universal component of human psychology.
Overcome the fear
It is a natural part of human nature to feel fear; some of us have a fear of needles while some of us hate to use elevators for fear that they may suddenly stop or drop!