Live green, die green
An important ritual of every society, traditional funerals and cremations are ecologically damaging and taking a severe toll on our environment. With the world population being pegged at over 6 billion, imagine the grave impact on our Mother Earth when a conventional cremation spews out around 400 kilogrammes of carbon dioxide into the air — a greenhouse gas blamed for global warming — along with other harmful pollutants.
Watch what you wear woman
The Swiss banking giant UBS has issued a strict dress code for its employees. The UBS prescribed a head-to-toe company dress code including hairstyles, what cut of skirt and which type of socks to wear and all its employees adhered to the code without any protest. Compare this to the hue and cry generated in India when colleges prescribe dress codes to students.
Decode Vitamin D
A recent study by doctors in the United States revealed that several people abroad suffer from a lack of Vitamin D. The doctors abroad attributed the fact that several people in colder countries suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency owing to little or no exposure to the sun. However, despite the fact that Indians do get their fair share of exposure to the sun, the fact remains that several Indians too suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency.
Remove make-up before sleeping
Singer Cheryl Cole has one thing on her ‘to do’ list this year — she has taken a vow to remove make-up every night before going to bed. Chandni Raheja-Soni, a senior make-up artiste, says that this is a must for any woman. “There are no compromises when it comes to this. Your skin needs to breathe easy at night and that’s why
Nips and tucks can spell danger
Being perfect is something everyone craves for — that million-dollar smile, those cute dimples, that hourglass figure… the list just goes on. At a time when women don’t hesitate to go under the knife for a cosmetic procedure in their quest for perfection, there is also an ugly side underneath the picture perfect looks — of late there have
Stretch out like the Sphinx for stronger back muscles
Here are some poses that are a part of the intense balance series.
The Sphinx pose: Lie down on your stomach with your feet together. Now, place your elbows in front of your chest and gently lift up your upper body from navel upwards. Keep your palms next to each other, facing down. As you inhale, lift your left foot slowly off the floor and at the same time, also lift your right hand upwards. Stretch out your
Shower after every workout
According to recent surveys, millions of bacteria are found on the surface of the fitness equipment used in fitness centres. And if you’re one of those who has taken a resolution to be a gym regular this year, here are some tips that will help you ensure you don’t call in ‘sick’ at the gym.
Max your gym time
Now that you’ve signed up for an annual membership at that swanky gym, bought those fabulous running shoes and stocked up on stylish fitness gear, hitting the treadmill every day is no longer a slog but a luxury.
Get ready for science, technology storm heading our way in 2011
Now that the new year has dawned we should be bracing ourselves for the sci-tech storm heeding our way. The way social, corporate and personal spaces work is about to change forever.
As long as you don’t have pain, ignore it
Q I am a 45-year-old man and for the past two months, I’ve been suffering from an itch at the tip of my penis. I have no problems urinating. Around 20 years ago, I had sex with a lady and at the time, I noticed pus in my urine. However, I recovered from that disease as I got treated for the same and I have been enjoying a happy married life