Keep those pearls shining
Brushing one’s teeth every morning is a practice we all follow. However, the key to ideal oral hygiene is to brush your teeth once in the morning and once at bedtime. In India, we religiously brush every morning but brushing at night is not considered an essential habit. However, the truth is that the germ build-up that occurs at night is far worse than what our teeth are exposed to during the day.
Repair your face, non-surgically
Maxilla is the medical term for the cheekbone and hypoplasia is a developmental anomaly in which the cheekbone on one or both sides does not develop normally. This used to be corrected through a surgical procedure. These days, we can do it without surgical intervention. Recently, we had a patient, an American national who was
Diabetes can also cause sexual problems
A diabetic was shocked to find out that diabetes was the reason why he was having sexual problems and wasn’t able to “rise to the occasion.” Many diabetics are unaware of likely sexual problems. According to diabetologists, the population of diabetics in India will register a steep increase from 50 million in 2010 to 87 million in 2025. Indians seem to be developing diabetes at a much younger age (at least 10 to 15 years earlier) than the western population.
Fire and ice
The latest trend in the world of beauty is a combination of ancient principles with a sprinkling of modern technology — fire and ice! This technique of combining heat and cold is pervading the realm of beauty through massages, treatments and facials.
Gulp down a shot of goodness
The latest fix among fitness freaks is wheatgrass shots. Wheatgrass is known to have positive qualities that help to detox the body in a very natural manner and is also smooth on the digestive system, so this rules out any possibilities of side effects.
Bend, stretch for stable posture
The Tree pose: Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands by the sides. Now, slowly hold your right ankle with your right hand and place your right heel on the inner thigh of your left leg. Point the right knee to the side and push your hips to the front. Now bring your palms together. Expand your chest as you inhale and
Hot moves that slim
It is literally the ‘hottest’ thing in the fitness circles. Hot yoga, which involves performing yoga asanas in a room that’s heated to up to 50 degrees Celsius with a humidity of 40 per cent and above, is becoming the favourite of fitness-conscious celebs like Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow and even Jennifer Aniston.
Condoms do not have side-effects
Q I use a long-lasting condom when I have sex and I want to know if using such a condom regularly has any side-effects?
No. To the best of my knowledge such usage will not produce any side-effects.
Got a stye in your eye
It is a common problem that most people suffer from occasionally and even though it is just an inflammation, a stye is extremely painful. By definition, a stye is an acute inflammation of the eyelid gland called the Zeiss gland. A stye is caused due to bacterial infections. When a stye develops, it causes a localised, painful, hard swelling near the margin of the eyelid and its symptoms include acute inflammation and redness of the overlying skin.
One-night stands can be ego boosters
Why do men have one-night stands? The simple truth is that it is a major male sexual fantasy. A survey conducted by the Men’s Health magazine indicates that the average male would prefer to have 18 sex partners in his lifetime. Meanwhile, evolutionary psychologists are of the opinion that there may be a genetic basis. According to them, owing to sexual monotony, sexual passion dies in any long-term monogamous relationship. In such situations, the new sex partner rekindles the passion.