Beat the baby blues
The birth of a child is always a special occasion for the family. The new addition to the family soon becomes the apple of everyone’s eye but in all this excitement, the fact the two people have become parents for the first time is ignored.
Beat the PMS blues
A majority of women suffer from it every month and in some cases, it even stops women from functioning.
Overcome the fear
It is a natural part of human nature to feel fear; some of us have a fear of needles while some of us hate to use elevators for fear that they may suddenly stop or drop!
Beat those blues
The South Asian filmmaker, Rehana Mirza, received much acclaim for her debut film, Hiding Divya, which tackles the sensitive issue of mental illness, especially bipolar disorder. The film deals with the condition and the director hoped that through her movie, she could make people aware of the illness and the importance of treating it.
Keep your mind still
Attention deficit disorder commonly known as ADD is a neurological condition that is characterised by poor attention and distractibility, at times, combined with hyperactive and impulsive behaviours.
Beat mid-life crisis
Have you been feeling un-usually tired of late? Or find it impossible to get rid of that tummy flab? Chances are you could be suffering from andro-pause.