Every relationship has a purpose in our life
I am a 21-year-old woman. I belong to a middle class family. My parents are the best parents in this world. They love me unconditionally.
Strike a healthy work-life balance
Why is life so tough? Why is it so difficult to maintain a balance between home and career? Being a working woman, I face a lot of difficulty in striking a balance.
Gender equality begins at home
How important is it to come to terms with ‘change’? Even small changes make me really nervous. I can’t think of my daughter getting married and living with someone else.
To be happy in one’s own company
Q.I was in a serious relationship for almost six years. But something happened and I broke up with my boyfriend last year.
Be optimistic in toughest of times
I am 21 years old. My parents are not together but not divorced either. I was brought up to enjoy a good lifestyle, but when my father left us he made it clear that if my brother and I wanted financial security, we should leave our mother. This was wrong because it was he who was at fault.
Take the right decisions
Q. I have a concern about which I need your advice, as I am a little confused. I work in a transport office and I have one good friend. We both work in the same team. There is a girl who also works in our team.
Link pride and joy with work
Q. I am a telecom engineer and I have worked in this company for over two-and-a-half years. I have made a few good friends who seem to be friends for life. Amongst them are two girls. We’re just friends, and they’ll get married and move out some day. One of my other friends is already moving out. I feel stagnant working here since there’s not much growth in my career path. I want to take up a job elsewhere and grow. But the thought that I have to leave the company and these few close friends is unbearable. Though I know that nothing is permanent, I’m not able to make a firm decision to move on. Please help me.
Heartbreak is not the end
Q. I am a B.Tech student and I am in love with a girl to whom I proposed. She asked me if we could be friends for a while and I agreed.
Realise the strength of optimism
Q.I am a 21-year-old girl studying engineering. Last year, I got some subjects in backlog and I am not allowed to attend the college. My parents are not aware of this. My problem is that I want to leave engineering and do some other course. Please tell me how I can convince my parents to agree to this.
Live life to the fullest
Q. I want to know what the meaning of life is and what should the main aim of our life be?