Dare to dream big, as they can come true
The recurring theme in my writings is that anything can happen, because I have always been a firm believer in such a philosophy. That has been the story of my life and it has been encapsulated in my play Kucch Bhi Ho Sakta Hai.
The ability to reconcile the irreconcilable
The stereotypes of India nurtured over decades are so powerful and compelling that many tourists feel they are missing out on the ‘real India’ if they do not encounter elephants and cows on the roads. Last week, I met some such folks
Leave the past behind to welcome the future
Stardom comes sooner in this age of high-level competition than at any time in the past. Whether we are looking at writers or actors, politicians or even corporate head honchos. One does not need to have the gravitas of grey hair to be accepted into the ranks of achievers these days.
Come to terms with your troubled past
Most of our problems are because we hide our hurt and emotion deep within ourselves. We try to bury these feelings in the hope that they will die. But like troublesome ghosts, they always surface and haunt us. Whether it is a love affair or someone who has betrayed our trust, whether it is someone we wronged or
Balance the good life with social duties
I have been travelling a lot in the past few weeks; from the heat of location shooting at Jodhpur to the monsoon rains of Mumbai to the bracing weather at the Toronto International Film Festival. The travel has been debilitating, but it
Allot worry a small slot in mental circuit
Anxiety has never been judged as a positive emotion. It is linked with everything that is worthy of being discarded — nervousness, worry, stress and many more. People with the anxiety syndrome are not too difficult to detect either.
The changing dynamics of parenting
I believe that parenting is the toughest occupation. And a multitude of parents will endorse it when I add that it is sometimes the most thankless occupation too! Every generation believes that the next one is terrible and has breached
Hope is the best miracle worker in life
I had written some weeks ago about how different people have different ways of coming to terms with the loss of a loved one. What is however infinitely more difficult than coping with death, is coping with near-death. I am referring to people who are living with terminal illnesses, like cancer, AIDS, or diseases of the auto-immune system which have no cure, as yet.
Battle between mind and heart
lot of problems that fester in us stems from the contradictions that reside in us. The theory behind such behaviour was first outlined by Leon Festinger, who termed it as cognitive dissonance, in his book When Prophecy Fails. This theory is a very powerful tool and has very wide applications in understanding a lot of human behaviour. Whether we are embarking on a shopping binge or stopping smoking, we are all playing out the dissonance theory, as I will explain.
In the end, it simply does not matter
I have always maintained that there are virtually no new earth-shaking truths waiting to be discovered.