Looking over the horizon
Now that the dreaded exams are history, youngsters can look forward to a new chapter in their lives. College time!
Don’t live in fear of rejection
Come the Ides of March and there are some unfortunate students who nail-bite their way through several entrance exams and nervously anticipate results.
Avoid a holiday from hell
With the vacations on in full swing, students are all set to pack their bags and head off to some adventurous locations.
Moments frozen in time
Years of boring lectures and surprise tests, assignments and seminars. And then comes the day when it is time to bid adieu to all that. However, the feeling that takes over is seldom of joy.
Charity with a spunky twist
Well, while there are a number of charitable deeds, which the high-flying socialites engage in, of late, there is a new wave of philanthropy among youngsters, who are turning the whole deed into a fashion statement. It’s kind of an emotional response teens have come to comprehend in the aftermath of recent catastrophe.
The Virtual Superstar
For better or for worse, the single ‘Friday’ has made 13-year-old Rebecca Black a tween sensation overnight. All she had to do was upload her self- penned novelty tune heavily loaded with auto-tune and ironically tagged with an abysmal video onto YouTube, and BANG! The next morning and 60 million hits later Rebecca Black became a star.
All Fool’s Day – Joke is on us!
A tradition that started in the 1500s when people who stubbornly refused to accept the Gregorian calendar were ridiculed for being “fools” seems to have gradually lost its sheen.
Fun times ahead!
Schoolchildren are breathing a sigh of relief. The last exam is finally over. That means, no more burning the midnight oil.
The young and the restless
A new television show (Navya) on an entertainment channel has promised to voice all the issues that teens face today, especially in their relationship with parents.
Hobbies boost thinking and creativity
I have seen a lot of people who have added meaning to their lives by following their heart, and taking up a hobby.