An impressive resume is a direct ticket to your job
No one can deny the importance of a well-written resume. It is your first impression in front of the employer and if written well, a direct ticket to the job.
OMG! It’s no LOL talk
It is not uncommon for texts to read like the following these days. “I m goin 2 b l8 @wrk, dnt wait 4 me”.
Proud to be indian
Born almost four decades after Independence, I have often wondered what patriotism means to me. I grew up on stories on how our heroes fought to give India what was rightfully hers.
Ramona keeps viewers entertained
Film: Ramona & Beezus
A disappointing ‘test’
Shattered. Sad. Disappointed. Indian cricket fans are disheartened by Team India’s performance against England in the ongoing Test Series.
What’s your rashee?
On this day, God wants you to know...
Blissfully blogging
Dear diary — for many the words bring back memories of carefully jotted down highlights of the day.
Are they 13 going on 30?
Recently, a 13-year-old boy wrote to us expressing his heartbreak over a relationship that did not workout.
No ‘straight’ talk, this!
You’ve admired them, drooled over them and been their loyal fan for long. One fine day, you get to know that the actor you swooned over is gay. Heartbreak for the girls?
Smells like teen spirit
Music has an omnipotent presence in our lives, finding a way to permeate across borders and different cultures.