Charity with a spunky twist
Well, while there are a number of charitable deeds, which the high-flying socialites engage in, of late, there is a new wave of philanthropy among youngsters, who are turning the whole deed into a fashion statement. It’s kind of an emotional response teens have come to comprehend in the aftermath of recent catastrophe.
These kind of efforts are a necessity. With superstars and icons leading the way and adding the extra inch of oomph to the whole act, it is only more motivating for teens. Icons like Lady Gaga and Salman Khan are spearheading such drives. While the petite outrageous crooner released a spunky Japan relief wristband to aid tsunami victims, our Sallu bhai started a line of apparels called ‘Being human’. “The tees are so cool, they come in chic bold colours and different styles. And when a statement sends a positive message, why not? This is my way of trying to make a difference in the lives of the teens who aren’t as fortunate as I am,” adds a chirpy teenager Rolance Stevenson.
Schools and colleges are not behind in acknowledging such noble stances. “It is a positive gesture. In contrast to today’s generation’s reckless behavior, witnessing such gratifying gestures is a flicker of hope for the future. Especially when more than half of the country’s population is under 25. It shows that we as a generation are headed somewhere better, it’s humbling to see a teen putting others before themselves,” says Prerna Hiradhar, a high school teacher.
Amongst all the hullabaloo going around the world and the crazy fast-paced life that we are dealing with, it’s a feel good trend that’s fast catching up. So, next time you step out to splurge on a fine buy or window shop make sure you pick brands that do something for a cause.
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