From a friend with love
Thanks to emails and text messages, the wait at the mailbox and the anticipated joy of letters are fading from memory. The excitement of receiving a postcard is almost forgotten.
Changing America
Every civilised society has system of law by which certain elected members of society organise themselves to promote the adherence to law by punishing those who violate the rules set into place to gov
Work towards good fitness, not figures
Health and fitness are undoubtedly among the biggest concerns most teens face today.
Speak up against injustice
When 18-year-old high school student Krittika Biswas was wrongly arrested on the suspicion of sending obscene emails to a teacher, she sued the New York City government and her school administration f
When ‘F’ grade is a blasphemy too
Last week my friend and I were enjoying a catch-up lunch — good food and great gossip.
Easy bucks online
The IT-savvy, most of them Gen Y nerds, have never had it so good! If parents are stingy with pocket-money, the worldwide web is offering moolah… virtually for the asking!
Unhealthy criticism gets youngsters down
Preity Zinta’s “adoptive” father Shandar Amrohi, backtracking on his earlier remarks, where he had said he would be including some much guarded information about the bubbly actress in his upcoming bio
French connection
May 22 to June 5 are dates that every tennis buff has marked on his/her calendar as they gear up to watch the French Open 2011. Enthusiasts are religiously rooting for their favourite players.
The skinny affair
Though the fad for size zero seems to have faded away, it has left behind a scarred Gen X, touchy about weight and size and unsure of the physical image they present.
If at first you don’t succeed
Whether it’s learning the guitar or a new language, summer is the time when many teens take up new things.