‘Street markets are amazing’
‘I wanted girlfriends, but was shy’
Fun with family
Theme it up!
‘Phoney’ lies let youngsters down
Credit cards get popular
Teen time-pass, whether in the college canteen, on the phone or shopping, it all comes at an expense. With every movie or every coffee burning a deeper hole in their pockets, teens are now relying on plastic to fill in the gaps. A few with-it parents have issued piggy-back cards to their yuppies-in-the-making with strict instructions to use the credit card judiciously.
Brand battle on the streets
The French philosopher Rene Descartes famously declared “I think therefore I am.” If this great thinker had observed generation Y he might have revised his statement to “Emo ergo sum” – I buy, therefore I am. Globalisation has introduced a level of commercial culture and the conventional thinking is that today’s youth is both brand aware and brand conscious like never before. But is that really the case? And does brand really matter? We talk to the youth of India and tell you what they think.
Power of positive thoughts
Did you know that words have the power to change your life? A simple choice of words can help you bring about a positive change in any aspect that you want, be it physical or emotional. Many youngsters are now writing or saying affirmations that can bring about the change they desire.
Time to Go-aaaah!
Sun, sand and a getaway from the pandemonium of city life. If you want to experience this, then Goa is THE destination to go to with your friends, at least once during college life. Some go along with their entire class and some go with their gang of friends, but ultimately it’s the destination that matters. Students, especially those in the final year, are planning trips to Goa with their college pals in order to guarantee themselves unforgettable memoirs.
Summer jobs keep youngsters busy
Gone are the days when youngsters visited their cousin’s home or went to their native place to spend their vacations. Youngsters in the city now take the initiative by working part-time or get a taste of setting up their own business.