Bribes, a part of life
Diwali is here and in the midst of all the excitement there is a large sect of people sharpening their bargaining and gambling skills.
Riding ahead of time
If it’s not legal, it has to be done. That’s the mantra many teens follow, especially when it comes to driving. Why should we wait till 18 to drive, ask some, who believe that it’s too long a wait.
It’s so hard to grow up good
With the release of her latest album Speak Now, Taylor Swift has been credited with doing what a lot of other young entertainers can’t: Make the transition from teenager to a young adult in a mature w
Telly fashion talk
First there was the Sex and the City phenomenon which had grown women from all over the world scouring designer boutiques to look just like their small screen icons and then came F.R.I.E.N.D.S which m
Going Gaga over scary Halloween
Halloween is right round the corner and you have a plethora of exciting ideas to choose from. Break free from tried and tested 70s and vampire themes and go for the blue-skinned Avatar look instead.
On the go
Dual-SIM phones continue to launch in heaps. Here’s a new dual-SIM device from Fly Mobile, MV135 phone, targeted towards music aficionados who wish to enjoy their music and video on-the-go.
Recovering deleted files
Select file or folder, press Delete key, click empty Recycle Bin, stop breathing, hit panic button… Sounds familiar?
Has Harry Potter mania fizzled out?
First there were the books. And then there were the movies. The end of the Harry Potter franchise is almost in sight, with the first part of the last Potter film readying for release.
‘Chalta hai attitude has harmed us’
Everything in this country is like a big fat Indian wedding, a lot of mess, rush and hush but everything falls into place in the end.
And this attitude of taking things casually peters down to even our day to day interactions as many feel the chalta hai attitude works for them.
‘My Sanskrit teacher felt I won’t pass’
I did my graduation in psychology from Nizam College in Hyderabad. It was a three year course and those years were the best days of my life. I would often bunk classes and hang out with friends. I remember I used to be very particular about my dresses, so I was considered the most stylish in my group.