Flash-bang 2011
Each passing year our planet sees an ever increasing number of extraordinary gadgets and technologies; which emerges, entices or otherwise gets entombed.
For the geek on the move
The most basic requirement for your gizmos is a good travel bag. One that has a place for everything to save you time from rummaging around for what you need.
Galaxy Tab vs iPad
Unless you’ve been living deep in the Himalayas, you may be aware that a tablet is flat, super-slim, sub-1kg, instant-on computers featuring 7-10-inch touchscreens that can used for on-the-go web brow
Don’t Do This!
A friend of mine has just had his laptop whacked from his car.
Google tips and tricks
Circa 2004 and beyond, Planet Earth has been mightily smitten with one search standard: Google. Today you don’t look up anything on the Net, you Google it.
Your safety guide
Disaster seldom strikes with a warning. So it’s best to be prepared. Rather than wringing your hands in despair, or seeking emergency measures, here are some simple, elementary measures that can save you a lot of time, effort, money and heartache in the long run.
Mastering PDF Files
The now ubiquitous PDF — or Portable Document Format — was developed by Adobe some 17 years ago. It allows you to exchange formatted (“fixed layout”) electronic documents or document “captures” as files — from virtually any application, on any computer system — and have them appear securely on the recipient’s screen exactly as they were intended — whatever his/her computer, or wherever they may be. As a format, it has been globally accepted as de facto industry standard for portable documents for years now.
The Best 5 Budget Mobiles
Zen z77 (`3,300)
How to buy a digital camera
All of us love to shoot images that are picture-postcard perfect. And the multitude of camera options available today leaves us utterly confused about what to buy. Here’s a basic primer on what you should know before spending your moolah.
Recovering deleted files
Select file or folder, press Delete key, click empty Recycle Bin, stop breathing, hit panic button… Sounds familiar?