Blog to know who you are
They eat, they read, they blog. They watch movies, they game, they blog. Teenagers are increasingly venting their feelings and expressing their views online through blogs and the medium seems to be the perfect safety valve for them to blow some steam.
On the traditional road to fitness
In an age when exercise is just a mobile application away, many health conscious teenagers are turning back to yoga for their daily dose of fitness.
PDA gets cosy in cyberzone
Sorry baby, I was at fault’, ‘kisses and hugs’, ‘it’s super cool to be back with you’.
‘Seriously’ filmi
I read an article on Haji Mastan and wanted to watch Once upon a Time... in Mumbaai. It was good to find out more about that issue,” says Priyanka M.C, who is 17 years old.
Gen N careers turn offbeat
It’s tough to reprogramme years of ingrained belief that engineering and medical degrees are the only ‘safe’ educational bet, but some city students are making an effort to buck the trend and take the
Online life turns stressful
Reams have been written about the ill effects of today’s teens spending too much time online, and if a recent study is to be believed, then one can add anxiety and depression to this long list.
Blog your way to fashion glory
If you thought the ramp was the only spot in fashion that could be accused of cradle snatching, with all the models turning pre-teens to pubescent, then it’s time to look lower.
Musically inclined
David Masilamani
Musician, DJ, poet
An inattentive lot?
They text, they tweet, they adjust their radios and turn and talk to the person sitting next to them — Yes, they do all this when they’re driving!
Youngsters are now saving smart
With ever-increasing prices and endless shopping lists, youngsters these days keep a tab of their monthly expenditures these days to save the woes of an empty wallet.