Lessons learnt from a cabbie
The most unexpected lessons in life are learnt through people, not in classrooms. In my 17 years on this planet, no textbook has given me insights into life the way different people have. Here is one such lesson I learnt.
Music’s partners in ‘grime’
IIf the genre ‘grime’ was a child, it would just be learning how to spell. So without irony, it’s worth mentioning that it originated in East London and was first publicised on mainstream radio etc., by Dizzee Rascal and his album Boy in Da Corner and Wiley’s Treddin’ on Thin Ice. People sat up and took notice when Dizzee’s album won the Mercury Music Prize in ‘03.
Cupids on campus
Short lived crushes, dating and the thrill of having a boyfriend or a girlfriend are an intrinsic part of a teenager’s life. Chick-lit and chick flicks add their two bit to the whole aura of romance in a youngster’s life. But there is this one type of young person who perhaps exists in every group of friends — the match maker.
Just heard a beep? Beware of textiety
Are you into binge texting? Do you hear the text notification beep of the phone even when no text has arrived?
Chak de, ladkiyon!
Parminder Nagra shocked her family in Bend It Like Beckham, by being zealous about soccer and wanting to be a football player.
Between class and canvas
Teens aren’t lazing around and hanging out any more.
Start young to stay fit
If you thought weight-watching is a malady that strikes youngsters only on the wrong side of 25, today’s gym-happy teens will give you an all new take on things.
Managing time? keep it simple
Time management doesn’t come easily with time. And with parents and teachers always ready to share their experience, teens definitely want to stay away from all the nagging and advice.
Young icons inspire Generation Now
Thanks to a bunch of young achievers, today’s teenagers have replaced the faces which until recently, used to be their must-have pin-ups.
‘We need flicks that inspire us’
Every Friday a new film hits theatres with a new story, new faces and new locations. It is rather entertaining to see the actors dancing to trippy songs while emoting on screen.