‘We need flicks that inspire us’
Every Friday a new film hits theatres with a new story, new faces and new locations. It is rather entertaining to see the actors dancing to trippy songs while emoting on screen. For a duration of two-and-a-half hours, all thoughts seem withdrawn and a new window of life opens up. It is almost therapeutic.
So when I look back at movies and the role they play in our lives, I can’t help, but wonder how they are more than just a medium of entertainment, they have in fact an important impact on teenagers.
Teens are quick to catch on to any trend — good or bad. Movies shape minds and give an insight into their ideals. With a desire to be like the stars in almost everything, we imitate our life’s actions just as well. From snazzy hairstyles to the way we propose to the love of our life, everything seems inspired from the big screen.
When the hero kills the bad guy in the movie and gets away with after spending a few years in jail, we are often mistaken into truly gauging how the scene would have played out in real life. Are we aware that if this happens in reality the protagonist is ruined for life? There’s no way he can get away with it. Negative emotions like revenge and obsession, which lead to things like a murder, are on a different plane altogether. Is this what today’s films have to tell their young audience?
I strongly feel that every filmmaker must feel responsible and make films that send out the right vibes or at least avoid spreading wrong messages. The filmmakers are not to be blamed entirely. When I watch a movie I often forget that it’s completely a work of fiction and such things do not occur in reality. It is just for my friends and I to sit back and enjoy the movie and forget about it once we are out of the theatre.
Tare Zameen Par and Rang De Basanti were thought provoking, but we totally need a few more thought provoking movies... Something that changes the mindset of teenagers. Something that forces youngsters to look inwardly and find themselves. With this hope in mind, I turn to the movies listing and hope for a grand release yet again, this Friday.
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