Break-up breakdown
After David Arquette and actress Courteney Cox made the shock announcement that they were parting ways after 11 years of marriage, David made another statement that came as a bit of a surprise.
Has Harry Potter mania fizzled out?
First there were the books. And then there were the movies. The end of the Harry Potter franchise is almost in sight, with the first part of the last Potter film readying for release.
Rama’s sons in all their glory
The Warrior Twins is an apt subtitle for this animated film about the sons of Rama and Sita. This is Lav and Kush as you’ve never seen them before, rockstars, with hints of pre-adolescent angst.
Reading between the lines
For the longest time, men’s magazines were merely a polite euphemism for the girlie mag (think Playboy, Penthouse et al).
Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn,” said Clark Gable to Vivien Leigh in the classic film Gone With the Wind. And as Leigh swooned, so did millions of women the world over.
Predictable, tacky, avoidable
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Watching this film is in no way a hellish experience, merely a supremely tacky one.
Being hands-on is the way to go for new fathers
While traditionally, men have always used an upward moving career trajectory as an indicator of their success, a recent survey of young men in the US and UK has thrown up surprising results.
The late nights, the rushing away from work — the symptoms are well documented. World Cup fever has come home to roost.
She’s a ghost to me,” said Sean Penn in a recent interview about his partner of 20 years, Robin Wright Penn.
We are family
When news of actor Gary Coleman’s death filtered out early this week, legions of fans were in shock.