Future lies in our hands
Each one of us wants to be successful in life, need success in career, relationships, marriage and also in our daily lives.
‘Believe that you deserve good in life’
Dear Mansi,
I would like to know about my marriage and finances as I have a lot of problems in my life. Please let me know how my financial condition would be.
Kavita Mehta
Self-pity is no option
Saying you have no option is a self-created dilemma! Where you become so busy in self-pity that you forget to think of more options. Every day when you wake up, you have options what to wear that day, what to eat, how to treat others, what mood to be in, etc.
On road to bliss with Mahavira
B hagwan Mahavira gave a scientific explanation of the nature and meaning of life and guided mankind to draw this nature and meaning into their own lives. He preached that right faith (samyak darshana), right knowledge (samyak jnana), and right conduct (samyak charitra) together are the real path to free the soul from the bondage of Karma. These are the “three jewels” of Jainism.
Escape forming a karmic cycle
Isha upanishad recommends us to keep doing action with one caveat — do the karma with balance without desire or detest. Only by continuing to perform in that balanced mode, the karma will not stick to or taint one.
Five spiritual hindrances
The experience of deeper levels of awareness, where serenity is felt, is through calm states of mind — a mind that is free of any fluctuating thoughts. However, it is difficult to arrive at that state because of the five-fold obstacles or kleshas. The word ‘klesha’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘klis’ that means to afflict, to cause pain or torment. The kleshas are the reasons we keep on going through cycles of changing thought patterns.
Be responsive, not reactive
When somebody calls and we don’t respond, we remain closed because we see that this would be a good ego-enhancing thing — not to respond. We create barriers to feel that we are the master, we are the one who is controlling. When somebody wants to connect with us, we don’t co-operate; rather, we create illusions by responding half-heartedly.
Health in your hands
The study of palmistry is deciphering the meaning of lines and mounts on the palm that can be a rewarding experience along the life path for in-depth personal understanding.
Words wise
Words create impressions, images and expectations that build psychological connections. They influence how we think and since our thoughts determine our actions, there’s a powerful connection between the words we use and the results we get. There are two ways in which we can manifest our thoughts. One way is through our actions and the other way is through our words.
Crack the face code
Venus Face
Venus person will have attractive face and body and the eyes radiating beams of light with curly lustrous hair and good skin tone.
They are sociable and like to be appreciated and have great liking for friends, pleasures and luxury. They love beautiful surroundings, good clothes, ornaments and decorations. But some of them are not reliable in emotional matters.