Beat mid-life crisis
Have you been feeling un-usually tired of late? Or find it impossible to get rid of that tummy flab? Chances are you could be suffering from andro-pause. Similar in many ways to female menopause, yet in some ways, quite different, andropause is a distinct physiological phenomenon that occurs in men between the ages of 45 and 60 — but sometimes as early as 30 — where the production of the testosterone progressively declines with age. Studies have reported that androgen levels by age 70 were only 10 per cent of what they were during youth.
It must be remembered that a decline in testosterone levels will occur in virtually all men. It is a normal part of ageing, although, for some men it is accompanied by a gradual and undesired decline in their sexuality — loss of sex drive, impotence, etc. Sometimes it can even expose men to more serious health risks like increased cardiovascular risks and osteoporosis.
When there is less testosterone available, the testosterone target-organ response decreases, bringing about many changes. But typical responses to low bioavailable testosterone levels include:
Low sex drive
Emotional and behavioural changes
Decreased muscle mass
Increased upper and central body fat
Osteoporosis and back pain
Cardiovascular risks
Andropause can become extremely stressful for men and so, it is important that it is dealt with care. A few lifestyle modifications and accepting bodily changes can help to a large extent. It is also imperative that men focus on following a healthy nutritious diet and exercise regularly to cope with the stress of andropause. If there are particularly worrying health issues in the wake of andro-pause, it is best to consult a specialist.
— The writer is a Delhi based psychiatrist.
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