Word game addiction
It’s been forever since I played Lexicon. United Toys have turned out an impressively well finished version of this classic playing card word game for just `75. Opening the sealed new pack brought back a flood of memories of hours of back-to-back Lexicon sessions with the girl I would later marry!
Confounded by numbers
Thinktank Games proudly proclaim on their back-of-box narrative, the fiendishly complex nature of their brain teaser collection. For just `349, I picked up volume 12 of their enormous library of titles — Numerology is all they promised. It’s late at night after a long day at work. I’m in a strange guest house, in a city away from home, stumped completely by this 18-piece puzzle!
Strategising over totems
A good game should have the ability to shut out all manner of distraction. TotemLand from Dr Woods Challenge Centre (`699) is fabulous. It forced focus. And brought a little sanity into everyday life! For 45 minutes or so, pressing tasks receded till they disappeared entirely. Depressing news peddled by self-important and perpetually hysterical news anchors were forgotten.
Not just a flying saucer
Toy Box has churned out a slew of titles that have Frisbees doubling up as game boards. The flying discs are aimed to lure impatient 4–11 year-olds into more cerebral pursuits like maths, word building, strategy and the like.
IIT got it, but not so well
I’ve stayed well clear of Funskool-IIT titles for a while. My experience with a couple of their initiatives left me with mixed feelings. Clever ideas. Sloppy execution. Gotcha! (at Rs 399), is an interesting game idea that’s presented well by the usual standards of the Indian Institute of Technology.
Get, set to be trapped
Someone at Toy Box must have approved the content that features behind the game box. It’s a block of rubbishy copy that reads clumsily, and grinds to an abrupt end with a few words mysteriously missing.
High iq monsters
If you see the distinctive Smart Games logo on any of the mutli-level logic games, be assured that it’s going to be a riveting experience. Cannibal Monsters is another addition to the spectacular series of single-player IQ power build games.
Dodging landmines
The Escape from Thinktank games retailing at Rs 499, turned out to be a gripping thriller. The 9x9 play grid of treacherous terrain littered with landmines is what my two agents must get through to escape into the safety of the crowded city.
Strategic land grab
Carcassonne is a two-five playerwinner from Rio Grande Games. In these times it’s not often that one comes across a game manufactured outside of China. Carcassonne is made in Germany, and at the risk of repeating a tired cliché, an absolute marvel of design and engineering, impeccably finished in every respect.
Swing it like a professional
The frustration of dealing with the good folks at Chroma for over the last few days was possibly best reflected in the 15 minutes I spent with the rather literally titled Cup and Ball.