Sculpting nature’s 5 elements
Of all the arts, I find sculpture and classical dance the two most difficult media — for the simple reason that both are body dependent.
Art caught in net of bureaucracy
Just when one was beginning to think that with the exit of Ashok Vajpayee from the helm of affairs of the Lalit Kala Akademi, all would be well; it seems the saga of wrongdoings continues.
Bringing art out of galleries
Last week, I was at a charming restaurant in the suburbs, which has been designed and landscaped to take one closer to the elements.
A life dedicated to the love of writing, arts, curating
Last week, something very important happened that is very close to my heart.
Seeking to bring meaning to the indefinable
There is something very endearingly straightforward about classical arts — be it performing or visual arts.
Remarkable magic of the written word
The written text has always had sacred connotations for me — the never-ending debate between shabd or word and bimb that is image notwithstanding!
Painting the reflections of an urban landscape
The word landscape conjures up images of verdant spaces in the lap of nature.
Art in the world of comic books
Storytelling is part of our cultural DNA.
No order at Salar Jung, but content still shines
The orange sun turns a deep hue of red, streaking across the motley clouds, as they blot the light into their being, turning them into liquid gold.
Battle of the eyes for a gallery treat
I think I got touched in the head with the surfeit of art all around. In addition to the cultural kumbh, as someone called the India Art Fair, are collateral events that are making me want to scream.