What is the motivation for an artist and artiste?
A stray remark by an artiste friend triggered off a thought process that I best try to shove under the carpet.
Night of art, design, dance, music
I have gone through one of the most intense experiences of my artistic life the previous week.
Global works are regional in content
In one of my nocturnal forays into the vast web of what passes off as research on the Internet, I decided to check out how the rest of the world was doing as far as contemporary art was concerned.
In Delhi, artists throng mega cultural event
This is by far the best time to be in Delhi.
Endless search for galleries
I call art a honey trap. And when you know why I make this generalisation, you will also agree with me. For the ones who come to only look, get hooked.
Know your 13 commandments
The price of art is life. And I mean it in all its entirety, for I have seen the heartbreak and the pain that artistes and artists go through to keep their art intact and allow it to blossom.
An ever-raging battle between left, right brain
I have a confession to make: I am a deeply and irrevocably confirmed left-hander. Now don’t get me wrong.
The evolution of contemporary art
I make no bones about my admiration for J. Swaminathan for he was one person who had the vision to put Indian art in the global context.
Visual art that basks in the glory of a celebrated past
Classical Indian arts are rightfully proud of their gharanas and will claim their ancestry however far removed and impossible to trace — like their lineage to Mian Tansen — to the point of desperation
So much art activity, but where are the rasikas?
This last week has been a whirlwind of art activity.