Many shades of the man who was M.F. Husain
It is a private word sport that I play with myself to enumerate descriptive words about a person.
Many shades of the man who was M.F. Husain
It is a private word sport that I play with myself to enumerate descriptive words about a person.
The many wonders of UP
The other day, Deepak, one of my young friends from Varanasi dropped in and we went into raptures just talking about the various good things that are peculiar to Varanasi, beginning with the reigning
A melting pot of artists at Bhubaneswar art camp
Last week, I was in Bhubaneswar attending an art camp.
Bewitching temple town
Rajasthan is like a permanent fixation for me. In fact I call it my purva janam ka saath place.
Is genius in art a lost cause now?
Gone are the days of the unreasonable man that George Bernard Shaw said was the cause of all progress.
Capturing beyond the obvious in black and white
The one journey that now fills me up with sadness is re-visiting family albums.
The changing face of art scene
I have often felt that abstract paintings and sculptures are like nirgun paintings. Artists worship a formless God that only they are able to see when going through the throes of creation. And when others see it, it becomes a process of perception that has its own rules of “seeing” and forming an amorphous metaphor that takes “shape” at various levels of consciousness. The practice of creation too has a methodology that might differ in artists.
When art meets publishing world
Till college, the National Museum remained one of my favourite places. I would just wander in when I had a few spare hours, and pore over the beautiful sculptures, mesmerised and marvel at their workmanship. However, now when one hears of this treasure trove being rudderless without a director and many of its departments headless and collections god knows where, it fills me with deep sadness.
Rediscovering Puducherry through imagery
Puducherry. The name conjures up some beautiful memories of the charming seaside town in Tamil Nadu.