Tracing the long journey of landscape painting
When cameras were not so ubiquitous and the mind’s eye captured the magnificence of the mountains and the expanse of the oceans, it was left to artists to capture the moment that eventually led to several new genres of art. From the detailed realism of Carpenter to the lyrical impressionism of Monet and Van Gogh or the ethereal surrealism of Rousseau, artists over the centuries have attempted to share the experience with those who were not there. These distilled drops of perfection evoked wistful beauty, captured the light as it played with the shadows and made luminosity meaningful.
The relationship between thou and thine
It is my long held contention that abstract painting, or for that matter pure dance or even classical music is like nirgun bhakti.
School is the foundation for appreciation of art and culture
Every time I am invited by a school to judge their school or inter-school art competition, I balk. My entire being and considerable weight revolts against rushing out at some ungodly hour, which I daresay would cost me my Press Club membership and such other punitive measures for early rising!
Balancing creativity and eccentricity
The price of art is life. And I am not exaggerating one bit.
Preserving arts not an easy task
The other day I was chatting with a senior bureaucrat on the art scene and the conversation veered towards the role of government bodies, in being repositories of Indian culture in the post Independen
Preserving arts not an easy task
The other day I was chatting with a senior bureaucrat on the art scene and the conversation veered towards the role of government bodies, in being repositories of Indian culture in the post Independen
Art under dark clouds, dancing raindrops
Finally it has arrived! Lest you are bitten by the Dada Kondke bug, let me hasten to tell you that the ‘it’ in question, is the wonderful, gorgeous and stupendous monsoon.
After a dry spell, let it rain artworks this monsoon
The poignant smell of the earth as the first raindrops fall is something that has inspired the romantic in all of us. No surprise that the ittar-maker or perfumer created that incomparable aroma of the first monsoon showers on a parched earth and called it mitti or earth!
Raging egos run amok in art scene
Very often, people outside the charmed circle of the arts arena ask me about the strife and blood within the art community.
Arts need the support of artists to survive
As Delhi awaits its tryst with the monsoon, frayed tempers and raised blood pressures reign supreme. And being the “Dilli billi” as I am, how can I remain untouched by this seasonal fever?