Attractive men have long ring finger: Experts
It seems that men’s success with women depends on their hands, for a new study has found that females find attractive those males whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers.
Booker Bridesmaid gets special prize
BRITISH WRITER Beryl Bainbridge, who was shortlisted five times for the Booker Prize but never won, got a consolation Booker when her book Master Georgie was announced as a winner of a special prize.
Muslim body to protest on royal wedding day
RADICAL ORGANISATION Muslims Against Crusades has decided to hold a protest on the day of royal wedding despite the Metropolitan police rejecting its formal application for protest near Westminster Ab
Britain gears up for global royal wedding
Britain is making final preparations for the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton next week as the biggest royal occasion in 30 years brings closure to the tragic legacy of Princess Diana.
Prince Charles breaks record for long wait to be king
The Prince of Wales has achieved a new record of spending a wait of 59 years, two months and 14 days as heir apparent to the British throne, longer than his ancestor Edward VII.
But, while Charle
Radioactive iodine found in breast milk of Japanese mothers
The breast milk of four Japanese mothers has been found to contain small quantities of radioactive iodine.
This development has led to pressure being brought on the government to initiate a full inve
Twilight-style vampire ad to encourage young Brit men to visit dentists!
The National Health Service (NHS) has launched a raunchy Twilight-style vampire advert to encourage young Brit men to visit their dentists.
The video shows a young woman stripping to her underwear an
French workers on strike because boss speaks only English
The entire workers at Thermal Ceramics, an English company based in France, have gone on strike because their British boss can't speak the native tongue.
The 184 French workers, who have staged an up
Amanda Seyfriend wants to become a mother
Hollywood actress Amanda Seyfried has said she can't wait to become a mother, as she feels broody whenever she is around her publicist's two children.
Chinese woman killed on webcam was stalked: friend
A Chinese student in Canada whose likely murder may have been captured by a webcam was being stalked, a friend claimed on Tuesday.
Police identified the victim as 23-year-old Liu Qian.
She had been