Stalk me if you can
Teenagers hooked on to the wild world of social networking have charted many territories, but stalking seems to be the new buzzword.
Round up your personas
As they step out into the intoxicating, exciting brave new world of college, with months of learning-by-rote and exam stress behind them, teens who till now have only aimed for great grades suddenly f
Head to college in style
For young teens, after a couple of years of brain-numbing exam preparations and the ‘big’ exams, finally escaping the eagle-eyed scrutiny of school teachers and child-safe rules is made sweeter by the
Gyaan gurus return
Once outside the cocooning of school, youngsters discover that a college campus is a microcosm of the big bad world — a predictive prelude to personality types and situations you will encounter as an adult. And like canteen philosopher, Rancho, in 3 Idiots, life-explaining, diktat-expounding preachers are aplenty — after all, if anything in life is free, it is advice. But as the life-enriching, senior sages get into overdrive, are the teens listening?
It’s all in a name
Always inventive, teenagers are constantly finding new outlets for their creativity, from garage rock bands to poetic musings to blogs.
Tunes change with moods
For self-expression-crazy teenagers there’s never been a better time than now — in addition to t-shirt slogans, Twitter updates and status messages, you can now ‘wear your attitude’ with a caller tune
Youngsters thumb down moral policing
It’s the brave new world for every generation that hits their teens and the Rebel yell manifests itself in every way from fashion, hair-dos, music, to dating debates. Every instance of friendly or not-so-friendly instruction that comes from an ‘older, wiser’ source is rebuffed and with kids rejecting the moral policing done in schools and
When parents turn BFFs
Teenagers these days are way smarter than what their parents were at their age. They can cope with issues better, are more informed and seem to know exactly what they want with life.