Don’t submit to stress
We may not be able to control stress but we can at least understand it. Do we need stress or is stress all bad? Maybe if we were never stressed, we wouldn’t graduate from grade X to grade XI.
The riddle of recall
I always thought of memory being like a filing cabinet. A memory is created and you file it away.
Meet your flip side
Everyone has heard of Alice in Wonderland, but not many know that the book’s author, Lewis Carroll, was actually a mathematician whose real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgeson. In another book by Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, Alice speaks to her cat through a mirror.
How do fish sleep?
Fish don’t have eyelids so do they sleep? And if they do, how do they go about it? Yes, fish do sleep. However, some fish will do so during the day.
The mystery of Monarchs
Nature has many miracles but this is one of my favour-ites.
Shivers and goose bumps
With temperatures dropping and winter well on its way, most of us have developed little goose bumps and shivers. So why does our body react this way to the cold?
A tumour that killed the Devil
Have you heard of the Tasmanian Devil? It is the largest surviving carnivorous marsupial in the world found exclusively in Tasmania.
The scary truth about parasites
Many a horror film has tapped into that primal fear of creepy crawly things that kill a living being by attacking it from the inside, aka, parasites.
Twinkle little star
On most clear nights when we look up into the sky our eyes can spot almost 6,000 stars. The first thing we notice is their twinkle.
The flight of the bird
Bird migration is a rather mysterious occurrence and if you have never thought about it you should!