Eight legs and a brain
Aristotle had said that, “the octopus was a stupid creature.” I would beg to differ. There are around 300 species of octopi in the ocean and they can mimic other creatures, camouflage and squirt poison amongst other things.
Life’s bad, grey patch
If you are in your late 20s I am sure you have looked in the mirror with a keen eye trying to spot those stray strands of grey hair. We use tweezers, hair colour, henna or just about anything to hide those nasty greys. So why not understand the enemy?
Robotic arms: Science Fiction to Reality
Have you ever tried to imagine life without your limbs? We tend to take many things such as our arms, fingers, legs, etc., for granted.
Unleashing the monster within
Serial killers evoke a kind of dreadful fascination. Whether it is India or the United States, a deranged person stalking the alleys and killing off innocents is “spicy” news for the media and its millions of greedy consumers. Even those who are terrified out of their wits by macabre stories of murderers cannot but lap them up
Taking the plunge
Travelling abroad is no big deal anymore. The world has shrunk. But ten years ago, when I decided to go to the USA for under-graduate studies, I was the only one in our circle who had this ‘wild’ idea. Only my parents supported me.