‘Messy’ world of Silk & the sweet truth of marketing
My friend is a neatness freak. One of his daily rituals at home is to meticulously fold the heavily thumped and crushed newspaper at the end of the day, restoring it as far as possible to its morning, pressed & un-crumpled condition.
A brand that celebrates woman’s beauty
The history of beauty is a history of carefully crafted conspiracy. It stands on the premise everything in our body and looks are imperfect.
Click-and-buy: Sweatless world of shopping
We have one common laptop between us. I take it to my office in the morning and once I returned home she monopolises it for the rest of the evening checking mails networking in the Facebook appreciating hundreds of friends/semi friends on their original stolen, plagiarised posts clicking likes on their never ending changed profiles.
Winds of change sweep the advertising world
Every age tells the story of change. Not to be stagnant is such an important agenda of our existence. Dress, design, fashion, food, entertainment, the way we look at ourselves have only one story — how we have changed, become different and finally have evolved.
Friends in need and deed
Suddenly friendship has swamped all aspects of our lives. At least the advertisements seem to suggest that this is the case. Ma is a friend, daddy is a pal, and granddad is one’s greatest buddy.
The fall of the old guardian angels
Thomas Carlyle wr-ote a book of essays called Heroes and Hero Worship whe-re his pivotal argument was that heroes are forever and are a natural evolution of history.
Women the weaker sex?
Women are powerless. They are the weaker gender.
Not so vulgar after all
In a country like India where clearly defined audience segmentation is converging into one heterogeneous mass, the language of communication is now being calibrated to reach mixed masses.
The politics of advertising
The world of advertising is a world of politics and conspiracy with the brand and the consumer engaging in a private dialogue in the public dom-ain. The agenda of secrecy is based on the politics of taking the consumer into confidence agai-nst the world. The passing on of some secret is central to this game and brands take this route year after year, enacting a gripping drama of commercial communication and persuasion.
Metamorphosis of Magic
Magic is one of the most fascinating words across langua-ges and civilisations. It takes ownership of a domain of believable impossibilities.