Some myths about masturbation busted
The act of masturbation is probably the one sexual experience that is surrounded by several myths.
Cirrhosis can affect sex life
Q I have liver cirrhosis and have been hospitalised twice. My body was completely swollen at the time but after treatment, I recovered. In fact, my sex life was also getting better and I could get an erection. However, after the second time I was hospitalised, my sex drive has decreased. I can’t even get an erection. I am 65 years old and want to know if there is a solution for my problem. I also have high blood sugar.
It is a fantastic world indeed
Often, men fantasise about various sexual scenarios while making love to their wives. In fact, sexual fantasies constitute a normal, universal component of human psychology.
Excessive friction can lead to pain
Q I am a 24-year-old man and my penis is deviated — it tilts towards the left. As I have not had sexual intercourse yet, I am not sure if this will be a problem. Will it hurt me when I have sex?
A better muscle tone helps sex life
A man who was bored with his sex life consulted his doctor seeking the medic’s help on how to make things more interesting in the bedroom. The doctor advised him to try a self-help book. The man followed his doctor’s advice and read a book on how to get innovative with sex positions to enhance his sex life.
Genital growth differs in everyone
Q I am an 18-year-old man and my penis measures three inches when it is erect. Also it is very thin. Will this prove to be a problem when I have sex?
Myths about semen busted
Many people falsely believe that a 100 drops of blood make one drop of semen. People believe that semen is the most concentrated, perfect and powerful substance.
Stress can cause a loss of sex drive
Q My wife gave birth to our first child two years ago. Since then, she says sex hurts too much. We want to have a second child but as my wife has this problem, we find it difficult to have sex.
It’s ok to have sex during pregnancy
First-time dad, Rupin, was in a dilemma as he wasn’t sure whether or not he could have sex with his wife while she was pregnant.
Stay off the booze to pep up sex life
When Ram-esh found it difficult to get an erection, a friend suggested downing a couple of pegs before the act. “You can beat a stud,” he said.