The new and the blue
There is an allegorical little tale about early US astronauts who discovered that their pens wouldn’t function in zero gravity conditions as the ink could not flow down to the writing surface. (Yes, Houston, we have a problem!) Eventually, a decade and $12 million later, NASA’s R&D nerds developed a pen that worked at zero gravity,
Plugging into audio books
Living increasingly hurried, harried lives today compels most of us to limit our leisure reading to the daily newspaper, an occasional magazine, or very rarely, a book. Now if, off and on, you’re nagged by an aching desire to take up reading seriously, but have nodded away the wish knowing that you’ll never manage to eke out the time,
Work smarter, freely
To wives and sweethearts. May they never meet! quips Captain Jack Aubrey in that entralling film Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.
Backing up your data
Our increasing dependence on the digital medium ensures that not just our work but also a great deal of our personal lives revolve around our PCs and laptops.
The future of gaming
In June every year, the entertainment capital of the world, Los Angeles becomes the cynosure of all eyes for a reason other than movies and Hollywood.
Panoramas with ICE
Have you ever stood poised with your camera, mesmerised by the sheer majesty of a beautiful skyline stretching out in front of you? And then sighed woefully at the limited wide-angle capabilities of your camera — or most cameras in general — when it comes to capturing the entire width of the viewable horizon? Or maybe, you’ve spontaneously ditched your camera and reached for your phone instead to use its meagre panorama imaging mode to “widen the scope” of your picture?
Getting Travel Wise
Frequent air journeys, superfast trains, speedy cars and better roads are reducing the actual travel time that we spend in commuting. However, our patience levels to reach our destinations seem to be dwindling in the same proportion. Thus, there’s a growing popularity of gadgets to keep ourselves occupied en route. For no longer
Soft solutions for special needs
Autism is an unfortunate, developmental disability that appears in childhood.
The cameras are ready to roll
Its predecessors altered forever our perception about not just what we should expect from a smartphone, but also how we interact with it.
Office 2010 Web Apps
Familiarity may or may not breed contempt but it does take the edge off admiration. And yes, it also breeds children!