Aditya Bal is definitely one of the better hosts on NDTV Good Times. I was charmed by his cooking techniques in Chak Le India and I thoroughly enjoyed the rapport he shared with Chocolatier Zeba on Breaking Bread. Chocolates hold a special place in my palate — a love that is shared by my family. We just have to eat something sweet after every meal, even after a snack! I really liked the episode I watched. Zeba seems like a very promising chocolatier and a smart entrepreneur running a successful business. Like most people, I have tremendous respect for female entrepreneurs. The episode was an easy watch, Bal started out by asking Zeba various questions about the history of chocolates. Zeba was well informed of and it was extremely informative! This was followed by Zeba teaching him how to create chocolates-seemed like an easy enough process to try at home although it probably looks that way because she’s a professional. She also clarified the age old myth that ‘if a woman eats one pound of chocolate she gains five pounds’. I unfortunately don’t think it’s a myth, but according to her she’s maintained her weight since the age of 16. The only thing I would ditch about that episode is the way Zeba explained the procedure — ist bordered on the patronising.
If you’re surfing channels (like I was) and you come across this show and if none of your top 10 favourite shows are airing at that time, you should consider watching this show. Bal is one of the few hosts who you can stand to watch — that’s probably why he has two shows airing currently. And I think what is really interesting about this show is that it sheds light on individuals who are following their dreams and doing it well.
The writer is a self-confessed sitcom addict and a college student