In a day and age when the world is scoring in the 90s and everybody is born with a minimum of three god-gifted talents, teenagers are now unearthing newer ways of making themselves seen and heard. Also, when they have idols like Justin Beiber and Rebecca Black having made an impact internationally, all by the simple medium of posting videos of their performances online, teens too are trying to go the extra mile to become stars in their own world.
Says Natalie Di Luccio, a 21-year-old Canadian singer who was selected to tour with A.R. Rahman after the maestro saw online videos of her rendering Bollywood hits, “You may be the most wonderful singer in the world, but if you sit around and don’t chase your dream then most likely, nothing will happen. You have to give your 100 per cent and proactively go out and meet people, and find ways to showcase yourself to the world. And the Internet is an incredible tool to reach out to people.” Seconding her is singer Bindu Subramaniam, who maintains an active presence in social networking sites. “The great thing about these sites is that people can sample different kinds of music and spread the word when they like it. When I click on my fan page and see 2,500 people have liked my music, it means a lot to me.”
And it’s not just celebrities; teens in general are trying out newer methods like video resumes and event organising to cut through the clutter. But it may not be motivated by purely positive factors. Says career counsellor Swati Vats, “Teenagers these days are not high on self worth, so they depend on external factors to feel good about themselves. They are doing all this, not always because they enjoy it, but they have taken it upon themselves to prove that they are better than the rest.” And it’s not just career-oriented moves, most college students take utmost care about personal grooming and make it a point to throw the best parties in order to shine above others. “As long as they have control over their life, it’s good. But too much emotional dependence on social standing may later lead to depression.”