To many youngsters, this is a name that is taken everyday of their lives. Every time a metal fan switches on his/her i-Pod, it is blaring with a Metallica track. It has been a dream for many of these youngsters to watch this band perform live. And guess what? This dream is about to become a reality this October! Metallica is touring our country and they have chosen to perform in Bengaluru and at the opening of the F1 race in New Delhi.
Advaith S V, a guitarist and student quips, “I am looking forward to my parents visiting our country!” Metal fans have been going insane getting themselves together for this show.
Relina D’Silva, sole proprietor, Defeated Scribes, says, “Metallica has been on my playlist for over a decade now. They defined my taste in music.” The band also has a net club for all their fans which has been around since 1993. Relina is also a part of this club where she gets updates about the band. She cannot not pick one thing that she loves about the band because “I simply love them too much,” she adds.
Like Relina, Advaith was also introduced to metal music by Metallica. Like these two metal buffs, even Siddarth John has adapted a taste for metal music and finds it to be a calming influence sometimes.
Nothing Else Matters, Fade to Black, Unforgiven, Master of Puppets, Ride the Lightening, The Memory Remains and Fuel are some of their popular songs.
Siddarth says, “The world finally notices how much we love to rock.” Adds Advaith, “It is all about making brand India incredible and our country is becoming globally recognised.”
Relina is not only excited about them coming to India this year, but is also wondering why they haven’t come to our country yet. “We have the second largest population in the world. People from all parts of Asia are going to be at this concert. This show will redefine music here.”
The performance in India is definitely going to be a field day for the band, but also for vendors who sell merchandise for bands. Just with the announcement of the concert dates, the rates of T-shirts, badges, bottles and even posters have skyrocketed. Wonder what more is in store for metal music lovers in our country.
(The writer is a media studies student)