Exam time is here and students are gearing up to give their best shot at the examinations. While some prefer to study alone and are lone warriors when it comes to learning, others prefer to do it in the company of classmates and friends because they find it easier that way. Two BCom students discuss the topic:
Harshitha S, 19,
I’m against group studies because it can be time-consuming as not everyone takes the same amount of time to understand a particular topic. Also, we end up talking instead of studying and get easily distracted. It is advisable only for practical subjects where you can solve sums and problems together, but I wouldn’t recommend it for theory subjects.
Nikitha KV, 19,
I’m totally for group studies because everybody can discuss their doubts and clarify them. It’s entertainment-cum-studying, so we don’t feel the pressure! You can help your friends and also learn from them this way. You can test each other’s knowledge and also ask them silly doubts without hesitating. Group studies always works for me.