Honesty is a virtue
I am a 15-year-old, from Ku-wait. I am in class IX. I am addicted to my Play-station and other video games, chatting and music. My grades are slipping and I have failed one year. My parents are always travelling and my grandparents have not realised that I am still in the IX. I am afraid that when my parents find out they will kill me. I am really confused. Please help me.
I think many kids your age are addicted to games and chatting and phones. I know some kids who chat with each other on chat even when they are in the same room! Recently, I went to a literary fest where I attended a lecture by the author of How to train your Dragon? And she said something very interesting. She said that it is important for people to let their kids get bored to be creative. These days you kids don’t get an opportunity to be bored. The minute you are free you sit in front of your computer or your games. You do not give yourself a chance to create something or to be fascinated by science or nature or sports or art. Anyway that just solves half our problem. Now about your exams, you need to come clean and tell your parents what happened, also your grandparents. You cannot put them through this. They will be upset with you, but nothing you can’t deal with. It will only make you more responsible and you will study harder. Don’t worry. You must tell them that you didn’t study and are sorry and that you were afraid to tell them. My dear, being honest is a habit you will have to cultivate. You will be afraid and you will be blamed. But you will feel amazing once you take responsibility and change your behaviour. The strength in honesty is stronger than any virtue. It sets you free. Moreover, you will be happy to be honest with the people you love. All the best and I am sure you will do the right thing.
I am a 28-year-old single male, have done my MBA from ICFAI Bengaluru and worked with E&Y for one year and then with Deloitte for eight months. Now I have joined my family business and am happily settled in my professional life. However, my problem is in my personal life. I feel people never take my calls and whenever I call anyone (be it a male or a female) they don’t respond. Now, either they might be busy or what I don’t know, but this happens frequently. Should I stop calling them and think that the friendship is over or should I change my attitude towards all of this? It feels so good for me to talk to old friends once in a while but it appears that they don’t feel the need to talk to me. Please help.
I think you have a lot to celebrate in your life — your work and your family. I think sometimes being aloof from people makes them rea-lise your value. Your friends could genuinely be unavailable. Some-times people are caught up with other things especially if they are in relationships or newly married. They have other interests, stresses or job-related issues. Friends are people with whom you have common interests, people who you are comfortable with and above all people who make you feel good about yourself. I am sure there are a lot of people at work and home with whom you could share your life as friends. Some-times in life we hold on to beautiful memories and want certain people to remain a part of our lives forever. But people change, equations change, people have new lives and issues and that is how the world works. You must adapt. Adapting is extremely essential for everyone right from the day you are born into the world from your mothers womb, you adapt to the world outside of it. Adaptation is key — at work, at home, in relationships, friendships, etc. And who knows probably someday they will call you back. Spend your time and energy on people who make you happy.
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