Iceland's penis museum finally gets human specimen
In life, Pall Arason was an attention-seeker. In death, the 95-year-old Icelander's pickled penis will be the main attraction at one of the world's most bizarre museums.
Sigurdur Hjartarson, who runs
Nazi officer behind Frank arrest ‘became spy’
The Nazi officer responsible for the arrest of Anne Frank — one of the most renowned and most discussed Jewish victims of Adolf Hitler-driven Holocaust — spied for West Germany after World War II, say
Female bosses ‘can wreck other women’s promotion’
It may not be true always, but a study says that female bosses in a male-dominated environment can wreck other women’s promotion hopes.
Meet the UK fish-taster whose tongue is worth £4m!
A fish-taster of a British seafood company is getting her tongue insured for more than 4million pounds.
Bosses at Young’s Seafood are so protective of worker Jenny Douglas’s palate that they are will
Cars with Z in number plates crash the most
Does your car have the alphabet Z in its registration number? If so, beware. A British study says vehicles with that letter are involved in the maximum number of accidents.
The last letter of the alp
Royal wedding invitations ‘cause domestic strife’
Invitations for Prince William and Kate Middleton’s marriage have reportedly caused domestic strife in some of Britain’s households as hundreds of guests have been barred from bringing their spouses to the event. “It is a nightmare. His wife was absolutely thrilled when the invitation fell on to the doormat, but she couldn’t believe it
Six-year-old boys sexually assault girls of same age
Two six-year-old British boys have been charged with sexually assaulting five schoolgirls of the same age.
Police confirmed they were 'made aware of an alleged incident but are not investigating' bec
Brit surrogate mum ‘pregnant again with Osama Bin Laden's grandchild’!
A British former poledancer who miscarried Osama Bin Laden's twin grandchildren in 2010 has revealed that she is pregnant again with the grandchild of the world's most wanted terrorist.
It's the fift
British groups plan naked protests during royal wedding
Anti-government groups in Britain are planning to stage naked protests wearing only masks in a bid to disrupt the wedding of Prince William.
The protests are being organised by groups that call thems
British royal wedding guest list details emerge
Soccer star David Beckham will be there with his pop star wife Victoria. Elton John is attending with partner David Furnish. and the Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala will be there too, probably one of the