‘Indian hockey needs to catch up’
Former captain of the Indian hockey team and aggressive forward, resilient in the face of the pressure holding him down; he is the man who revived our national sport at a time when it was scarcely reg
Probe emergency drill near Kudankulam plant, says PUCL
The People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) on Saturday demanded that the Centre and state declare the emergency drill, conducted by the Tirunelveli administration on June 9 at Nakkaneri village, ne
Private staff vie for state jobs
Several Tamils residing in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and other states came to Tamil Nadu on Saturday to take up the group IV exam conducted by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) to fill 10,718
Tax checkposts to get makeover
Chief minister J. Jayalalithaa has ordered the modernisation of the commercial tax department’s checkposts at an outlay of Rs 33.36 crore. ]
Fifteen large checkposts including those at Puzhal, K. G.
From a bad past to a glorious future
Even political prisoners concede that life behind bars is tough and can break you.
But Mr C. Ravi, 50, who served 14years’ rigorous imprisonment in Coimbatore Central Prison for abetting to the suic
Rail passengers allege neglect
While Chennai is gearing up for multi-crore Metro and monorail projects, railway passengers on the Chennai Beach-Gumidippondi section feel neglected. Most commuters and members of rail passenger assoc
Civic body is traning ground for babus
Chennai corporation is now one of the biggest bureaucratic bodies and second only to the state secretariat.
With the fast-expanding corporation grows the clout of babus who are now administrating th
TNPSC exam mela: 12L applicants, 5,000 centres
In what could clearly be the largest government recruitment initiative, the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) is holding group IV exams across the state in 5,000 centres for over 12 lakh ap
Novel device to treat heart patients in time
Now, there is a ray of hope for more than 3.5 million heart attack patients every year in India. A group of cardiologists on Friday announced the launch of a pioneering technology-powered hand-held de
Mayor warns ward representatives
Following a report in this newspaper about a ruling party councillor’s alleged involvement in providing illegal water connection, Mayor Saidai Duraisamy on Friday conducted an inquiry.
The mayor war