Valley of bloodshed
The author Abhay Narayan Sapru is definitely in a good position to write about what is happening in the valley of Kashmir having served in the Special Forces, Indian Army.
Mythical mumbai
In reality there are as many stories about Mumbai as there are people living in it. However, in actuality and in published form, there will be as many books on Mumbai as there are publishers.
Journey into darkness
Howard Jacobson is described as “Our funniest living writer…” by the Daily Telegraph on the back cover of his latest, Booker prize short-listed novel, The Finkler Question
Bitter-sweet menu of life
After The Music Room, here comes another strong offering from author Namita Devidayal, with her second novel, After Taste. Reading After Taste is sure to leave you hungry.
Take-me-home lines that set the mood
A book first talks to me with its cover and title. But these are definitely not enough. What is The Fountainhead supposed to mean? Turning to the first line I may just want to know more.