Next generation MMO?
In the face of WoW’s declining popularity Sony Online Enter-tainment is bringing back the original MMO, EverQuest in the new game EverQuest Next.
‘WoW party is coming to an end’
World of Warcraft looks like it is finally running out of steam.
The big MS betrayal
You may remember Microsoft’s “Games with Gold” program to reward the Gold subscribers with free games. This is their attempt to balance the scales between XBL Gold and Sony’s PSN+ — a service that has encouraged significant switchover during the dying end of this generation.
By the power of the Pokemon!
Pokemon. What started off as a game based on bug collecting has spiralled into a cultural phenomenon with 12 movies, 14 seasons on TV, the most popular card game to date and millions of dollars worth of merchandise. This aside from the 20-odd videogames fuelling the concept. So what is it about this game that has made it so popular till date?
Gaming —not all that bad
People today misunderstand video games. They are blamed for wasted time and asocial behaviour. However gaming is not responsible for either problem.