India committed to key retail sector reform: Sharma


The government is committed to opening its retail sector to foreign investment and will not reverse its stance, Trade Minister Anand Sharma said on Thursday, declining to say when the long-delayed reform could be announced.

Investors were rattled by fresh signs this week that India's government coalition may hold off on widely anticipated reforms, especially on the $450 billion supermarket sector, because of renewed opposition from coalition allies.

Sharma, in London to attend a pre-Olympics conference, declined to say if the decision could be announced, as many have expected, before the next parliament session on August 8.

"We are committed, we have taken the decision and we are building a strong consensus and we are not reversing our decision," he said.

"It is being held in abeyance, it is on pause button... But it is a political call. We want to do this and I am not the only one."

India last year scrapped plans to allow up to 51 per cent foreign ownership of multi-brand retail because of political opposition, just days after opening up the sector.

The situation is seen as make-or-break for India and vital for foreign investment, economic growth and the current account.

Opening up retail is expected to unleash massive inflows from foreign retailers such as Tesco and Wal-Mart but some Indian politicians fear losses for small local stores.

"Policymaking is the right of the executive..(But) we are trying to have a large consensus... Some political parties have reservations, they remain disconnected with the rest of the world," Sharma said.

While India's stubbornly high inflation has come off peaks, a poor monsoon this year with rains some 22 percent below forecasts has raised the spectre of drought and renewed inflation pressures.

This was a serious concern, Sharma said though he added that India had sufficient buffers of cereals. Oilseeds and pulses were the most affected and imports could rise.

"We will ensure availability is there to make sure speculative inflation doesn't take place," he said. "My worry is if we import more, our import bill goes up."




The criminals of CIA-RAW have been deleting my posted comments; save this on your computer and pass it on.

After he had been chief editor of the Times of India, Arun Shourie said about it "Akhbar nahin, sarkar hai". That's fine and it is not just the Times of India but the sarkar -- government -- of India consists of white colonial rule (below), specifically of the CIA and so do the media. That is not fine.

About two hours after Rajesh Singh's column of July 25 '12 in The Pioneer was posted at midnight, IST, the hit counter showed it had 678 hits and my blog : SatyamShivamSundaramSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom had 44 hits originating from my comment below that column. As soon as I saw this, CIA-RAW, which can control and alter absolutely everything on any web page as I have described in the above blog, saw my seeing these hit rates and clamped down on the hit counts and both of the displayed hit rates immediately fell to less than a tenth or a fiftieth of the actual hit rates. CIA-RAW does this routinely, in part to prevent me from getting any 'reinforcement' from my work as it has been doing for the past 35 years as I have described in the above blog but it also does many things to deny the public access to my work while stealing it for itself. (Besides electronic stealing via microwaves from satellites, the CIA routinely sends people to live next to or on the same floor as me -- both in the United States and Canada -- who sneak into my room/apartment and steal my hand written notes, valuable documents, etc.; they even stole four thousand dollars in U.S. Postal Service money orders I had kept in my room but I was able to get a refund by showing their purchase receipts to the Postal Service when I found out the theft). Is CIA-RAW's deleting my posted comments, tampering with hit counts, etc. acceptable to the Pioneer Editor Chandan Mitra who is a member of the Rajya Sabha? Both Patriot editor R. K. Mishra and Chandan Mitra were made members of the Rajya Sabha for helping to keep the lid on these crimes against me and against India and many, many others have been similarly rewarded. The Pioneer columnist Sandhya Jain's father, Girilal Jain, when chief editor of the Times of India, had refused to lift the lid from the crimes against me and against India but still was fired for showing my influence otherwise. Columnist Tavleen Singh of Indian Express about two and a half decades ago wrote that "senior journalists" had been given, virtually free, government bungalows in New Delhi which would rent at a minimum fifty lakh per year at market rates -- now they would rent at several crores per year -- for keeping these crimes covered up and otherwise rewarded -- Kuldip Nayar was made High Commissioner to the U.K. -- for the same reason. These were rewards. As for punishments, a press cartoonist in Delhi, who happened to be Muslim, was brutally tortured and murdered and his body dumped in a ditch outside Delhi for publishing a cartoon showing the Italian woman being thrown out of an airplane after I suggested in a letter to the press that she be thrown out of an air plane. John Perry, the publisher and editor of News India, New York, was jailed for several years, with the help of RAW, on the unprecedented charge of falsifying his circulation figures because his newspaper carried front page lead stories about me and published my letters. J. N. Parimoo, who was the Times of India correspondent in Washington in the early 1980s, asked me if even a public television station had not done a story on the persecution of the world’s greatest scientist and greatest living Indian below; he would not do a story on it unless it first came out in the U.S. media. A few years later I received a certified letter, return receipt requested, from CBS News which wanted to do a ‘Sixty Minutes’ segment on it which was the most widely watched public affairs program in the U.S. at that time (the letter asked my permission for them to “read” a short piece, titled “The Soviet Coup”, that described the matter in a few words that I had faxed to CBS News and other media). When I did not respond (I had sent it to be read, what else? They had evidently read it for them to send a certified letter, return receipt requested. The letter seemed like a ploy for them to deny they knew about the matter it described), ‘Sixty Minutes’ did a segment on bride burnings in India, instead. RAW made calls to The Week magazine pretending they were from me and sent a look alike of me to Organiser magazine.

CIA-RAW's control of the media and crimes against me and India have occurred on a moment to moment basis for the past 35 years. How will these be dealt with? See the links below.

(Continued) Why bother about Pranab Mukherjee when the most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth, whose toe nail clippings are worth more to India and the world than the rest of the billion plus Indians combined, is an Indian? See:
JoinIndiaWarOfIndependenceDOTblogspotDOTcom .

Pranab Mukherjee is a beneficiary and participant in the crimes of CIA-RAW. He cannot be allowed to stay in the Viceregal Palace.

Yes, it is an outrage that General V. K. Singh, who reported the 14 crore rupees bribe offer to him to the Defence Minister immediately as A. K. Antony admitted in Parliament which establishes the prima facie truth of his allegation against Tejinder Singh who offered the bribe, was in effect arrested along with the serving vice chief of army staff, head of military intelligence etc. and set free on bail -- by a magistrate and High Court judges prima facie acting under the influence of bribes and/or threats from C.I.A.-RAW (see 'What You Should Know About RAW' below) who must be removed from the bench, tried and hanged for high treason or, better, summarily executed by firing squad by the Army without a trial since India is engaged in a War of Independence from white colonial rule described in 'Join India's War of Independence' below and an arrest of Army officers constitutes capture by enemy agents -- for 'defaming' Tejinder Singh by making this bribery allegation against Tejinder Singh "who had a long and distinguished career in the Army", as is the murder of hundreds of Indian Air Force pilots by the serving chief of air staff in collaboration with the C.I.A. -- see: IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and K. Subrahmanyam and the C.I.A. Director openly offering to transfer one crore rupees into my bank account within 48 hours if I agreed to work with them -- see 'Offer to me by K. Subrahmanyam and C.I.A. Director' : HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom -- but these things are consequences of the British killing over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 in just Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar because of which India remains under white colonial rule (below).

A report headed "Former Army chief V K Singh's aide in mental ward" (Times of India, July 21, 2012, Internet) says "Colonel Honey Bakshi was handpicked to head the Technical Support Division (TSD), a new secretive unit created by General V K Singh after he took over as Army chief in March 2010. He continued to head the New Delhi-based unit after the change of guard in the Army. ... On Wednesday, the officer was admitted to the psychiatric ward of the Army Hospital in what is being seen as the latest twist in the simmering factional feud in the Army. The Military Intelligence (MI) officer has told doctors that he was being mentally harassed by some of his senior officers. ... anonymous complaints and media reports claimed that the officer was instrumental in illegally tapping phones of many important persons in the national capital. ... The dramatic turn for Col Bakshi shows that the fight between rival groups in the Army continues. With Gen Singh retiring on May 31, there have been allegations doing the rounds that the new Army regime is harassing officers who had once been close to Gen Singh, including Col Bakshi." I have said in press releases for about a year that the current Army chief, Bikram Singh, is an enemy agent. An army fights enemy agents with weapons, not mental wards.

Manmohan Singh at the G-20 meeting in Mexico on June 18 '12 pledged $10 billion to the IMF to help European countries such as Greece and Italy cope with debt but will not use the money to help tens of thousands of Indian farmers committing suicide due to indebtedness or hundreds of millions of India's malnourished children. He seeks foreign investment -- that is, foreign ownership and control of India -- but will not invest the hundreds of billions of dollars he has given to the United States government -- in exchange for U.S. Treasury bonds -- in India. This is not even counting the unlimited amount of capital available to India by simply printing the money so long as it is used for productive purposes: 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' : HowIndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom . An example of foreign investment trumpeted by Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma is a $5 billion investment in India announced by Coca Cola to give Indians harmful-to-health beverages and replace healthier and tastier Indian beverages. Such examples of American rule over India in economic, military and all spheres can be multiplied hundreds of times. India's nuclear forces have been accused in the past of presenting photo-shopped non-existent missiles and non-existent nuclear warheads but India's nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities since then are not non-existent : 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' : NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom . If it is the non-existence of "knowledge, intelligence, courage and character" which is responsible for their not having triggered the warheads, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, it is MY responsibility to provide the knowledge, intelligence, courage and character; all they have to do is obey India's legitimate ruler and it is high time they did so without further delay : SatyamShivamSundaramSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom .

I have referred in 'Source of Manmohan Singh's 'Deep Love' For Bush' -- SourceOfManmohanSinghsDeepLoveForBushDOTblogspotDOTcom -- to the British in India having killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857; people have mistakenly assumed these to be deaths caused by famine but NO, NO, NO, these were deaths caused by the gun and sword and hangings and being blown from the mouths of cannons in just the ten years after 1857 in just Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar; the deaths caused by famines during British rule were quite separate from this; see Amaresh Misra's 'India AD 1857' in two volumes totaling over two thousand pages (Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2008) which describes hundreds of the battles fought during the 1857 uprising which was thousands of times bigger and more extensive, over the entire subcontinent, than India's colonial administration -- all Indian governments after 1947 have been a continuation of white colonial rule; see 'What You Should Know About RAW': WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom -- will let Indians know; this two volume work should replace the Ramayan and Mahabharat as required daily reading in Indian homes and schools -- all educational institutions at all levels should have required courses in the 1857 War of Independence studies -- without which Indians cannot capture the hatred for the white man (and woman) to win India's War of Independence: 'A Note on Hate': ANoteOnHateDOTblogspotDOTcom and 'Join India's War of Independence' : JoinIndiaWarOfIndependenceDOTblogspotDOTcom . With the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, this time the result of India's War of Independence will be different. Satish Chandra

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

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