Smart techniques!
Not all but most smartphones can be used as a modem to access the net on your laptop or desktop via the mobile broad band connection on your phone. This use of a mobile device with Internet access such as 3G or 4G cellular service to serve as an Internet gateway is known as tethering The feature is generally mentioned in the app list of the phone, even if it is not, you may download it as an additional software from your smart phone’s app store .
Prior to that, it would be prudent to check out the tariff since most operators offer mobile broadband plans that require a separate fee. Despite this using your smart phone as a modem is a very suitable choice, provided you do not exceed the max bandwidth permitted by your plan. You need to check out with your smartphone dealer as to which models support tethering and which service providers provide this facility. The leading smart- phones are, iphone, blackberry, nokia, sony ericson
AV News
Toshiba Corp the electronic giant is at it again. Having lost the HD DVD battle to Sony, it is once again in the arena, this time round for supremacy on the 3D V front. The company has announced it own 3D TV format which does not require special glasses for 3D TV-the greatest deterrents for 3D TV viewing. Recent 3DTVs and movies released rely on special glasses for the 3D effect and in the absence of a better 3D technology, the viewers have reluctantly accepted this technology.The introduction of glass free viewing technology from Toshiba will herald a new boom in TV and video games sales. This glass free 3D viewing technology was first announced by Nintendo in March this year for their newest portable game console aptly named 3DS .The release has been scheduled for Feb 2011.
Toshiba plans to offer the TVs initially in 12inches and 20 inches. Sharp the innovator of the LCD panel is in the race too and has unveiled a small3D screen suitable for glass free viewing and ideal for use in mobile phones and handheld video
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