Swami Tejomayananda
Divinise your thoughts, acts
The Emotional Quotient (EQ) has been gaining importance nowadays as it is becoming increasingly evident that in spite of being intelligent, educated and rich our emotional problems of anger, jealousy and frustration are dominant. Issues like dealing with praise and criticism or success and failure persist.
Salvation lies in bhakti
Devotion is of the nature of love. It is not mere physical attraction for a person or thing, nor is it an intellectual appreciation of their qualities. The abode of love is the heart.
Spirituality in the mundane
What is spirituality? People visualise spirituality with the image of a person renouncing home and family, besmearing himself with ashes and chanting incantations or meditating in the Himalayas. At the outset I would like to dispel the notion of spirituality as any special or particular action. Spirituality is performing every action in a
Be your own best friend
Every January 1 we welcome the New Year with bonhomie and joy. As we bid farewell to the old year, we generally introspect the year past and make new resolutions. Our intentions are good, but as the year progresses we find that most resolutions fall by the side. We slip back to our old habits and find that slowly the enthusiasm with which we began has petered out.
Sattvic vision and success
Suppose I get the object of my desire at the cost of another person’s prosperity, would it be considered a great success? No!
Baby’s freedom
What is it that makes a baby a source of joy for all? The answer is simple but profound — a baby is free of desires.
Get a life
Man has always craved happiness. All material sciences and fields of activity are geared towards achieving this one goal. Whatever we do, or even what we renounce, is meant only for happiness. But despite the goal being one, happiness still seems to elude us. It is not that we lack comforts in life, we do have moments of happiness; all is not misery and sorrow. Despite experiencing and knowing moments of happiness, there is no contentment, peace or fulfilment in life. We say that we have pleasures and comforts, but something is missing and not knowing very clearly what we want, we go through nameless sorrows.
Matters of the mind
A frequently asked question is — “How to master the mind?” There can be no direct answer to this question because control over the mind is a very peculiar thing. Never to take your mind for granted.
Life is simple, live it thus
Conflicts between communities and religions result in various questions that arise in one’s mind.
Be attuned with dharma
Sometimes our philosophy concerning our duty is influenced by our relationships with others, as was the case of Arjuna with his cousins. We make excuses and hesitate to do what is right.