A stress buster
I am a 48-year-old housewife and my husband is 55 years old. Our sexual life was fine until my husband had to take higher dose of medicines for his blood pressure problems. I am concerned whether it is because of our active sexual life. Should we avoid sex completely because of high BP?
No. Your husband’s high BP is not due to active sex life. Have you not heard that ‘sex is a great stress buster’? Your husband’s high BP may be due to other causes. Your doctor will be able to tell the reasons. Sometimes the precise cause of hypertension cannot be identified. This condition is known as Idiopathic Hypertension.
Remember that a physically inactive lifestyle may be a contributory factor. Whatever may be the primary cause of hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, tobacco chewing, drinking alcohol, stress at work and home etc. will adversely affect blood pressure. Apart from the medications prescribed by his doctor, your husband should resort to the following — regular physical activity like brisk walking for 45 minutes a day, yoga and meditation, eat sensibly (with the help of a dietitian) to keep his weight under control, cut down the salt intake (this can be achieved by not consuming pickles, chutneys and preserved/ canned foods and not adding extra salt on the table), sleeping for six to seven hours a day, undertaking stress management courses etc.
You need not avoid sex. Enjoy your life as a whole by including sex in it.
The writer is a sexologist. You can mail him at dr.narayana@deccanmail.com.
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