Cairo: Here are the landmark developments of the mass uprising in Egypt that led to the fall of the three-decade rule of Hosni Mubarak.
January 25: Demonstrations sparked across Egypt following a month-long protest in Tunisia that led to the ouster of the north African president Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali. Clashes began in Cairo and other Egyptian cities as protesters gathered following an internet campaign against poverty and unemployment.
January 28: President Mubarak sacked his cabinet and imposed curfew in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez to curb protesters.
January 29: Intelligence chief Omar Suleiman was appointed as the country's first vice-president in 30 years while Ahmed Shafiq was made prime minister.
January 31: The Egyptian army refused to use force against the protesters.
February 1: Hundreds of thousands took part in rallies in Cairo and other places in a show of strength amid call for a "march of a million". Mubarak in a televised address announced he will step down but not before the end of his term in September. Opposition leaders issued the deadline of Feb 4 for Mubarak to leave office.
February 2: Supporters of Mubarak clashed with protesters at Tahrir Square.
February 4: Thousands gathered at Tahrir Square, the epicentre of the agitation, as opposition groups called the "day of departure" for Mubarak.
February 5: Mubarak's son Gamal and several other top leaders of the ruling National Democratic Party resigned en masse.
February 10: Mubarak announced on state TV that he will hand over some powers to Vice President Omar Suleiman but will stay in office till September.
February 11: Protests intensifed. Suleiman announces that Mubarak has stepped down. Reports say he flew to the resort city of Sharm-el-Sheikh.