At least three persons had a lucky escape when their car fell into a 15-feet pit near Anand Vihar inter-state bus terminal on Tuesday morning. The digging had been carried out to erect pillars for a foot overbridge but there were no warning signs or barricading around.
The Ford Ikon driven by Ankit Gupta, a businessman, fell into the pit opposite Pacific Mall very close to ISBT. Luckily, he and two others travelling in the car escaped with minor injuries even as the car nose-dived to the bottom of the pit.
Mr Gupta said that he could not spot the ditch due to morning mist. He said that there were no warning signs, no barricading or indication lights to warn people.
“Other people too can fall into it. As it is, the visibility is poor in the morning these days due to fog,” said Mr Gupta.
The administration promised that adequate warning signs will be put up, though maintaining that it was a stray case. Officials added that construction work is going around that area related to Metro, foot overbridges and signages. But no such incident has occurred in the past.