BANGALORE: Ten months after an undergraduate student of the National Law School of India University (NLSIU) was gang-raped on Bangalore University campus, a civil and sessions court in Bangalore on September 6 sentenced six persons to life-term.Of the eight men, who had raped the girl on October 13, 2012, one Raja, 24, is absconding and another accused who is a minor is being tried by the juvenile justice court.Except Rama, 50, all the other sentenced to jail are in the age group of 20-23. Maddura (20), Doddaheeraiah (19), Shivanna (20), Eeraiah alias Eera (20), Yaliyaiah alias Kumara (23) and Rama (21), all from Ramanagar district, were pronounced guilty by the judge, K.B. Sangannanavar.They were charged under Sections 376 (rape), 376(2)(g) (gang rape), 366 (kidnap), 397 (robbery or dacoity, with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt), 427 (mischief-causing damage), 323 (assault), 324 (causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 506(b) of the IPC. They were found guilty on all counts.The 21-year-old student of NLSIU, who was sitting with her male friend inside a car at an isolated place on Jnanabharathi campus, was attacked and gang-raped. A gang of eight sandalwood smugglers, who had come to cut trees, noticed the couple, vandalised their car and assaulted her friend. Later, they dragged her about 2-3 kilometers deep inside the woods and raped her.