In an age where companies are accused of milking their fans for every ounce of cash they have saved up, it is indeed a rare sight to see a company respond to community feedback. No, I am not talking about Microsoft’s 180 on the Xbox One, which is more in response to Sony’s Microsoft bashing. I am talking about Ubisoft; the guys standing in the shadow of the giants of the industry, happy to be doing their own thing. They too have been at the receiving end of turning to an annual cycle for the cash cow that has become Assassins Creed, however that is not what this is about.
The game I speak of is one of their lesser known titles — The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. The Dungeon Crawler that relies on user-generated levels to provide immense replayability which is still in fact in BETA.
After a recent update the developers introduced a slightly modified in-game economy system which allowed players to improve their in-game characters and levels with ‘Bling’ currency bought with real money. Fans didn’t take too well to this ‘Pay to Win’ format which many free to play games seem to have adopted of late.
In response to this reaction from their fans, the devs announced a rollback on the feature reverting to the old economy system leaving ‘Bling’ to play a less prominent role.
The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot has the potential to be a great Dungeon Crawler as it leaves its future in the hands of the community who will undoubtedly come up with amazing new levels week in week out for others to test their skill in.